Real Change Comes with a Formulated Healing Approach

Acupuncture treats a long list of complaints, however, it is most effective with proper diagnosis. Here at the clinic consistent assessment as well as a full understanding of patient expectations provide the foundation for outstanding clinical results.

Our Formulated Healing Approach is so effective we are committed to showing measurable improvement after treatment of musculoskeletal complaint.* We believe the healing process begins with individual care and communication. There is no mystery to the process of healing or pain relief, we'll walk through the assessment and treatment of the problem and explain re-patterning exercises and strengthening. You can expect this level of commitment and care on your next visit.

What To Expect on Your Visit


Treatment begins with a complete subjective intake of the patient's complaint or injury. This includes any previous scans and findings from the patient’s medical history. Objective findings such gait, range of motion and  muscle testing  determine areas of the body that need attention.


Once analyzed, musculature is addressed with the tools and techniques used by a licensed acupuncturist. Acupuncture, medical massage, quick release methods, cupping and herbal formulas are some of the methods used during treatment. These therapies provide restoration of function to the muscle, repair soft tissues, increases blood flow to local tissues while altering pain signaling in the body stopping pain.  For those wanting to improve performance and mechanical movement acupuncture not only stops pain, it improves function and performance so you avoid injury!


The final step is to reset the brain-to-muscle activation function. When the body is in pain the brain retrains muscle groups to work around painful areas changing gait and posture. Even after the pain is gone patterns will linger if proper sequential muscle movement is not reinforced. Bodywork and movement exercises are assigned outside the clinic to help set what must start as a conscious effort to surrender old patterns and complete the corrected new ones. This improves gait, strength, flexibility, and balance.

*To ensure lasting results treatments are often suggested twice a week for three weeks followed by a re-assessment. Of course results may vary due to systemic or other medical issues. These issues will be addressed during your Initial consultation.

Did you know?

Acupuncture involves the insertion of sterile, very thin,  one time use needles, though your skin at strategic points on your body. Kate  is happy to answer any questions before and during treatment and will guide you through what to expect.